Become a Professional Friend
We invite all optometrists and ophthalmologists currently practising in New Zealand to join the MDNZ Professional Friend programme.
Since its inception in 2009, Macular Degeneration New Zealand (MDNZ) has had a valued relationship with eye health professionals across New Zealand. Our combined efforts have saved the sight of many thousands of New Zealanders. By becoming a Professional Friend you will demonstrate your commitment to being at the forefront of patient support services, as well as helping MDNZ continue its sight saving work.
Benefits of becoming a Professional Friend include:
Recognised as a Professional Friend of MDNZ.
Annual listing in the MDNZ Viewpoint Newsletter.
At least one post per annum on MDNZ social media.
Professional Friend Certificate to display in your practice(s).
Exemption from postage and courier fees when resources are sent to your practice(s).
The Professional Friend programme offers the opportunity to join as an individual or as a practice.
An individual Professional Friend Ophthalmologist annual membership is $500 (including GST).
An individual Professional Friend Optometrist annual membership is $200 (including GST).
A Practice annual membership is available. For practices with one professional, the fee is the same as an individual membership. For practices with more than one professional, the fee is based on the number of professionals (Ophthalmologists or Optometrists) in the Practice, with an overall discount of 10%.
To join the Professional Friend Programme or renew your current membership please select from the options below. Have your credit card to hand.