Leave a gift that will live on after you
Leaving a gift in your Will, or bequest, is a very special act of generosity and one way of making a positive difference beyond your lifetime.
A bequest to Macular Degeneration New Zealand (MDNZ) will support the Trust to deliver its sight saving work that will ensure all New Zealanders can see a future.
Whatever the size of your gift, you can be assured that it will make a difference to those with macular degeneration and the services MDNZ provides. Most bequests are made by everyday, hardworking Kiwis whose generosity will help all New Zealanders living with macular degeneration, along with their family and carers, for generations to come.

How will your bequest make a difference?
Hear from one of MDNZ’s supporters
“I am in my 50’s and recently updated my Will, making two big decisions. The first was to become an organ donor and the second to leave a bequest to Macular Degeneration New Zealand. We should leave what we can to help others.
Macular Degeneration is an insidious condition. I have seen the effects in my own family. People need to be more aware of the disease. 1 in 7 people get MD and my father was a 1 in 7. I know my bequest will help Macular Degeneration New Zealand do their amazing work for awareness, testing, early detection and treatment that will ultimately improve the lives of hundreds, maybe thousands of people.
As I have got to know the organisation through personal circumstances, I have come to understand how important their work is and how much work there still is to do. For those contemplating a bequest, it is easy to do. And, it is comforting to know that one day my final gift will help many.”

Here are some ways your gift to MDNZ can make a difference well into the future:
Education: educating and informing the community and health care professionals with accurate and current information on macular disease.
Awareness: promoting early detection, diagnosis and treatment for those at risk and support pathways for those with vision loss, their families and carers.
Support services: providing information, support, guidance and understanding to the macular degeneration community via services including MDNZ’s 0800 Save Sight Helpline, publications and website.
Representation: being the voice of the macular degeneration community by advocating for accessibility and affordability of treatment and rehabilitation including low vision aids and services.
Conduct Research: contribute to New Zealand research on macular degeneration and its impact.
How to leave a gift to Macular Degeneration New Zealand in your Will
Planning your estate today means you can provide for your loved ones as well as support causes close to your heart, such as MDNZ. A Will is the only way to have certainty that your wishes will be met and a Will also helps to avoid confusion over your intentions and gives you peace of mind.
1. Ask us for more information
Please contact our fundraising manager Andrew Merlino at andrew@mdnz.org.nz or call on 0800 622 852 for a confidential, no-obligation chat about how your bequest can make a difference.
2. Speak to your solicitor/trust company about making a Will
Or change your existing will to include MDNZ. If you have an existing Will, you can draw up a codicil – an addition or amendment to your Will, an easy process. Your solicitor can also help you decide whether you want to leave a residual, pecuniary, or specified bequest:
Residual bequest – is the most effective way to leave a bequest. A residual bequest is the remainder of your estate after you have made provision for your loved ones. A residual bequest will keep up with inflation.
Percentage bequest - Leaving a percentage of your estate allows you to decide what proportion of your estate you would like to provide as a bequest. This will also keep up with inflation.
Pecuniary bequest – this is a specified sum of money in a Will.
Specified bequest – this is where a particular item is specified in a Will, for example, works of art, or stocks and shares, or even property.
Please let your solicitor or advisor know: MDNZ’s legal name is Macular Degeneration New Zealand. Charity registration number CC42203
Here is some official wording to help you and your solicitor.
3. Speak to your family and friends about your decision
So they can support the achievement of your charitable goals when the time comes.

Please let us know:
If you have arranged to make a gift to MDNZ, we would naturally love to hear about it. That way we will have the opportunity to thank you personally for your gift in your lifetime and discuss how we might invest your future gift. It does not, however, legally bind you to support us in any way and the information will be treated in strictest confidence. If you wish for your gift to remain anonymous, your request will be honoured.