Lorraine's story




One morning I woke up and could see a black shape. I put my hand over one eye and could see that the shape was actually in my eye. After a week it was still there so I thought there must be something wrong. My optometrist sent me to a specialist, who told me I had macular degeneration.

My mother had the same problem and my husband had also had eye problems, so I had heard of MD. Even though I had heard of it, I'm one of those people who does not want to find out what's going on so I didn't know any more about MD until I got it.

When the specialist told me I would need an injection in my eye, it just about sent me to the moon! I really didn't like the idea but told myself I'd have to be big and brave about it. I can honestly say that it wasn't a big deal. Having the injection only takes a couple of minutes and doesn't hurt at all. It's a queer feeling but it isn't sore during the injection or afterwards.

I have since had a lot of injections and I always notice afterwards that the door frames in my house stop looking all crooked.

My advice to anyone who thinks their eyesight is playing up is to get it seen to as soon as you think anything is wrong. Don't dilly-dally around!


Ross' story


Viv's story