A fabulous email sharing the benefits of the Amlser Grid

Macular Degeneration NZ (MDNZ) received this email just before Christmas. While it was lovely to receive thanks and appreciation of our work, the real thrill for us at MDNZ, is that the use of the Amsler Grid is increasing with many great stories of ‘saving sight’ as a result of using it, coming our way.

Dear Sarah

Thank-you for your Christmas letter. It has spurred me on to write this email, which I've been meaning to write for many months.

I joined MD Group in Dunedin years ago because many of my father's family had had MD, and I wanted to get ahead of the game iin case I ever developed it too.

Every so often I would use the Amsler grid from your very readable magazine. Nearly two years ago, I was horrified to see the lines, which had always been very clear, had become very distorted. Your recommendation was to immediately set up an appointment with my optician. I certainly did that.

My optometrist checked my vision and did find something amiss. She referred me to an eye surgeon. He confirmed her diagnosis of an epiretinal membrane, which had grown to affect the macular of my right eye. My surgeon went on to successfully remove said epiretinal membrane, and my vision was restored.

So, your Amsler grid and advice on what to do if results were off, were very, very helpful to me.

You've run articles about people who discovered a macular condition and their subsequent treatment. Despite my reason for joining MD NZ, I had never thought I'd have a story of my own. But I do, and again, I am very grateful for MD NZ's part in discovering that.

Wishing you all at Macular Degeneration NZ a very Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year.



Medical update - New treatment for dry macular degeneration on the horizon


Thank you to retiring MDNZ Trustee, James Rangihika