Bank ATMs, and using their audio function

The majority of ATMs in New Zealand have their voice instruction option enabled. This means that once you plug in a pair of earphones/hearing buds they can instruct you to complete your banking needs without you having to be able to see the ATM screen.

Below we have described how to do this. If you would like further help do not hesitate to ask the bank staff. Or call MDNZ and we will see if we can help over the phone.

  1. Locate the hearing buds plug, on the bottom right side of the ATM. This is normally just above where the cash comes out. You will find a row of raised imprints, the first in the shape of hearing buds. Then a dip with the hole to plug the hearing buds into and then a button with some raised symbols showing volume increase/decrease.

  2. Put your hearing buds on, then insert them into the hearing buds hole (described in step 1). Make sure they are fully inserted. The machine will start talking straight away. If you hear no sound, make sure the sound is turned up, using the volume button. If still no success, play with the hearing buds plug a little to make sure they are connected fully (some are a little difficult). If still no luck maybe try another ATM or set of hearing buds.

  3. Once you can hear it the ATM will explain the process through the hearing buds in full: including the layout of the keypad which has “braille marks” on it – the number 5 button has a raised dot; the ok button has a circle; the change button has a straight line; and the cancel button has a cross.

  4. We found when doing this that it can be easier to use an ATM that does not have the security cover over the keypad, especially if your fingers are not very nimble. Please just make sure that you keep your hand covered when entering your pin.

  5. It will then tell you to insert your card (including what is the right way up) into the card reader and then what numbers to push on the keypad to achieve whatever you wish to do.

We found that this process does take time to do, especially the first time, but if you do take your time and listen carefully to the ATM's instructions it is very successful.


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