Supplements – Frequently asked questions


Q Is it o.k. for me to take supplements for macular degeneration when I am taking blood-thinners like Warfarin? (or other prescribed drugs perhaps?)

A The recommended AREDS2 supplement for MD does not affect blood-thinning agents such as Warfarin, Pradaxa and other novel anticoagulants. However, omega-3 supplements, not part of the AREDS2 formula, can affect the action of blood thinners and affect blood pressure so it is best to consult your GP before commencing an omega-3 supplement.

Q It is not easy to know which of the Blackmores macular health products to use – how does one choose between these three products?

A Lutein and zeaxanthin are pigments that are concentrated in the macula and have been shown, in conjunction with vitamins and antioxidants, to slow the progression of MD.

Macu-Vision + Lutein Defence are recommended for people with moderate to severe macular degeneration. To meet the full AREDS2 research formula you need to take Macu-vision 2 tablets and Lutein Defence 1 tablet daily. Lutein Defence is suitable for someone with a family history of MD or needs to supplement his or her diet with Lutein.

Lutein-Vision Advanced is also available and this contains omega-3 and selenium in addition to lutein and zeaxanthin.

The Age Related Eye Disease Studies (AREDS 1 and 2) are two major clinical trials conducted by the National Eye Institute in the USA. The formulation of supplements (vitamins and minerals) that play an important role in eye health are outlined in the ideal daily formula:

  • Zinc (as zinc oxide) 80 mg

  • Copper (as copper oxide) 2 mg

  • Vitamin E 400 IU

  • Vitamin C 500 mg

  • Lutein 10 mg

  • Zeaxanthin 2 mg

The MDNZ Nutrition and Supplements brochure provides further information, including the vitamin and mineral value of a range of foods.

If you would like to receive a copy by post please call us on
0800 MACULA (0800 622 852) or email


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