Thank you, Dame Kate Harcourt, DNZM

Dame Kate has served as a voluntary Ambassador for Macular Degeneration NZ since the charity’s inception. She has generously spoken out about the challenges she has encountered living with macular degeneration.

Dame Kate has faced losing her vision with a positive attitude. Her stories have provided inspiration and encouragement to others facing uncertainty and worry, following a diagnosis of macular degeneration.

Working extensively in radio, television, film, and the theatre, Dame Kate has toured nationally and internationally, appearing in many well-known and highly acclaimed productions. In 1996 she received acknowledgement for her contribution to the theatre by receiving a Queens Birthday honour of Dame Companion of The New Zealand Order of Merit (DNZM).

At the age of 96, Dame Kate is taking a well-earned retirement from her role as Ambassador for MDNZ. Thank you, Dame Kate, for so generously sharing your macular degeneration story with others and providing inspiration and hope to those diagnosed with the disease.

We thank you for your service and we wish you all the best!


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