What is Macular Degeneration?
The macula is the central part of the retina, the light sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. The retina processes all visual images. It is responsible for your ability to read, recognise faces, drive and see colours clearly. You are reading this using your macula. Macular Degeneration (MD) causes progressive loss of central vision but peripheral vision is not affected.
There are two types of MD, dry and wet.
Dry MD is more common than wet and results in a gradual loss of central vision. Dry MD may progress to the wet form over time.
Dry MD is generally thought of in 3 stages. The early stage is characterized by the presence of drusen. These are small yellow deposits that build up under the retina, and are easily detectable during an eye examination. Vision is usually unaffected.
Intermediate dry MD is characterized by one or more large drusen that commonly result in blurred vision and a need for more light to read. Vision may be mildly distorted and an early central blind spot (scotoma) may develop.
Advanced dry MD, or geographic atrophy, occurs when there is significant loss of retinal pigment and results in a larger central scotoma. This makes reading almost impossible and requires people to rely on their peripheral vision that remains intact.
Wet MD is characterised by a sudden and severe loss of vision caused by abnormal blood vessels growing under the retina. Immediate medical treatment of wet MD is essential if symptoms occur.
What are the risk factors?
MD is thought to be caused by genetic and environmental factors. People over the age of 50 years are at risk. If you smoke or have a family history of MD, your risk of developing the disease is much greater.
Key symptoms may include one or more of the following:
Difficulty with reading or any other activity that requires fine vision.
Distortion, where straight lines appear wavy or bent.
Distinguishing faces becomes a problem.
Dark patches or empty spaces appear in the centre of your vision.
If you experience any of these symptoms contact your eye care specialist immediately.
Macular Degeneration eye health checklist
Have your eyes tested and make sure the macula is checked.
Don't smoke.
Keep a healthy lifestyle, control your weight and exercise regularly.
Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. Limit your intake of fats, eat fish two or three times a week, eat dark green leafy vegetables and fresh fruit daily and a handful of nuts a week.
In consultation with your doctor, consider taking a zinc and antioxidant supplement.
Provide adequate protection for your eyes from sunlight exposure, especially when young.
Are you at risk of macular degeneration? Click here to watch Viv's story that was recently featured on TVNZ's ONE News.